Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chick Warmers

Ok, so I’ve got to admit, this is kind of embarrassing... and a confirmation that I have NO business rearing livestock. So as I mentioned in a previous blog post, we are preparing to pilot a chicken (kuku) business. This entails preparing to receive the baby chicks, among other things. 

So I guess when you get baby chicks, you have to keep them warm.  Definitely makes sense.  So we ordered a number of “chick warmers” (see below)  

Chick warmer
When they were delivered, I was a little perplexed.  I thought, really?  We put the chicks in there?  Seems a little inhumane, but at least they have air holes. And I guess if it keeps them warm...  Far be it from me to judge, given I have no experience in this area.

Turns out these warmers go in the chicken house with warm coals placed on the inside of the warmers. The chicks stay on the outside. Duh.  

People definitely got a kick out of my misunderstanding of this concept.  

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