Monday, August 27, 2012

A Kenyan back massage!

Yesterday I took the 8 -- or should have been 8 -- but ended up being an 11 hour ride from Nairobi to Kakamega.  When I was buying my bus ticket, the guys behind the counter enthusiastically told me that I would enjoy my Kenyan back massage on the way to Kakamega!  Translation, very bumpy road.  Though not nearly as bad as I was expecting.  And, as you can see from the pics below, the drive was beautiful, as the road goes through the Great Rift Valley, a UNESCO world heritage site. Along the way I also saw lots of donkeys and sheep, as well as cows, goats, antelope and zebras (I think the last two were in a wildlife preserve that we drove by).

I had heard travel times in Kenya and Uganda can vary greatly due to the frequency of breakdowns and whatnot, and yesterday was no exception, and a good introduction to life on the African roadways.  It was smooth sailing for the first 5 hours or so.  Then we came upon traffic that would put LA freeways to shame.  Apparently a truck had overturned and blocked the highway, and then traffic began to build up. This resulted in a 3 hour delay while we waited for people to come to move the truck, and then much longer after that for the traffic congestion to clear.

View of traffic & people trying alternate routes
On the plus side, everyone on the bus was incredibly nice.  A woman across the aisle from me kindly invited me to her home the next time I’m in Nairobi, and several people helped to make sure I got off at the right stop when we finally reached it. They also enthusiastically pointed out the road to Obama’s ancestral home, which is apparently not far from Kakamega. 

I arrived in time to meet my new roommates/co-workers, who had kindly cooked a delicious dinner. Then attempted unpacking and went to bed. 


  1. Were you in one of those nice vans in the picture or were you in an open air bus with luggage and people hanging off the top like I saw. Hope they made some stops for you along the way. Of course those left a lot to be desired. However it is amazing where you find Coke Products in this world!
    I am glad you are there safe and sound. Happy adventures. Love, Aunt Betty

  2. Thanks Aunt Betty! It was kind of like a greyhound but no bathroom on the bus. Unfortunately there was only 1 stop the whole way. On the bright side, I was warned of that ahead of time so I was careful not to drink too much water so I could make it. :)
